Employee recruitment and selection policy are important for human resource management, and are crucial in enhancing organizational success. The major objective of this study is to determine the impact of employee recruitment and selection policy on employee productivity. The research design method employed for this work is the cross-sectional survey research design method, as it aids the researcher in the assessment of public opinion using questionnaire as the research instrument. A stratified sampling technique was adopted for this study. This study covers the activities of the five selected manufacturing organizations. The analytical tools employed for analyzing the data are correlation and multiple regression analysis. The conclusion from the study was that effective applicant interview improves the organizational performance, as effective interview remains the best strategy to identify and employ competent employees. It was however recommended that monitoring and evaluation of these policies and procedures are critical for tracking the process and ensuring that problems can be timely identified and addressed. As employee recruitment and selection play a central role in ensuring the best skills are present in the manufacturing sector, improved appointment processes can enhance the development goals as well as step up the transformation process.

Background to the Study
The success of any business is directly connected to the performance of those who work for that business. Underperformance can be as a result of workplace failures. Given that hiring the wrong people or failing to anticipate fluctuations in hiring needs can be costly, it is very important that conscious efforts are put into human resource planning. The efficiency and effectiveness of business depends largely on the human resources employed by an organization.

People are individuals who bring their own view, values and attribute to organizational life, and when managed effectively, these human traits bring considerable benefits to organizations. The development of people, their competencies, and the process that involves development of the total organization are the main concerns of human resource management (Mullins, 2001). In recruitment and selection policy, there has been little change in the types of methods used to recruit and select employees in their various organization (Kelly, 2006). Selection is the process through which firms make decisions about who they considered in joining the organization.

The selection process varies from organization to organization, job to job, and country to country. Recent technological advances, globalization, social trends and changes within organizations have brought new challenges for employee recruitment and selection (Hax, 2001). The only means of achieving this success appears to be through proper recruitment and selection policy.

Recruiting and selecting applicants is very expensive both in terms of time and money in the appointment of a person who fits the job. Organizations exist not because of their desire to be generous but to also make profit. Though their initial concern of image building and winning the goodwill of the public, in order to attain the ultimate goal is the achievement of the organizational goals. This means that there is the need to plan strategically to cater for the short, medium and long term growth of the organization.

Though several techniques of improving organization performance has been developed, in general the specific technique chosen varies with the type of work, in order for organization to remain competitive and buoyant it must modernized its recruitment and selection policies. All these issues call for research efforts, so as to bring to focus how appropriate employee recruitment and selection policy can influence improved corporate performance it should however be remembered that a virtuous and holistic recruitment and selection policy would eliminate the concept of garbage in and garbage out.

It is against this background that it becomes important by this study to bridge this gap in knowledge by exploring the impact of employee recruitment and selection policy on organization performance.

Statement of the Problem
In Nigeria, recruitment and selection malpractices have revealed the lack of detailed and proper departmental policies and procedures thus affecting organizational objective, fair, equitable and responsible application of recruitment practices.

Organizations fail to carefully consider what skills, competencies and traits are required of candidates for vacant posts before advertising. Effective employee recruitment is critical in

meeting the capacity challenge of the state which is to deliver quality services. Inappropriate decisions regarding recruitment reflect on the credibility of the company as an employer committed to objective and clear recruitment practices. Another pitfalls experienced by company regarding recruitment and selection will continue as long as there are no clear policies on recruitment and selection.

Monitoring and evaluation of these policies and procedures is critical for tracking the process and ensuring that problems can be identified and addressed timely. This study also reveals that despite the existence of clear manufacturing requirements regarding recruitment, departments fail to adhere to them or to put in place internal policies.

As employee recruitment and selection play a central role in ensuring the best skills are present in the manufacturing sector, flawed appointment processes can undermine the development goals as well as slow down the transformation process. However, to achieve its full potential the manufacturing sector must improve its ability to recruit and select staff more effectively. This means that both human resource sections in departments and managers themselves must enhance their skills in performing this crucial function.

Research Questions
This study is anchored on the following research questions;
• To what extent does application of recruitment methods influence organizational performance?
• To what extent does applicant screening influence organizational performance?
• To what extent does applicant shortlisting influence organizational performance?
• To what extent does applicant interview affect the organizational performance?

Objectives of the Study
Employee recruitment and selection policy are important practices for human resource management, and are crucial in affecting organizational success. The general objective of this research is to determine the impact of employee recruitment and selection policy on employee productivity. However, the specific objectives are to;

• determine the effect of application of recruitment methods and organizational performance.

• identify the impact of applicant screening on employee productivity

• ascertain the effect of applicant shortlisting on employee productivity.

• examine the effect of applicant interview on employee productivity

• Statement of the Hypotheses

This study is guided by the following hypotheses;
H01: There is no significant relationship between application of recruitment methods and organizational performance

H02: Applicant screening has no significant relationship with organizational performance

H03: There is no significant relationship between applicant shortlisting and organizational performance

H04: Employee interview has no significant relationship with employee performance.

Significance of the Study
This study will highlight the benefits, gains, impact employee recruitment and selection has on employee productivity. The study will be of huge benefit to firms as to how to enhance overall corporate performance. It will show the benefits and impact in which will be useful to researchers, scholars, students and manager of various organizations.

To add to existing knowledge in the area of employee recruitment and selection and its impact on employee productivity.

This study would make significant contribution to firms, government, parastatals and organizations aiming to improve their diverse business functions through recruitment and selection. Again, operational cost will be optimized, service delivery quality will be improved, positive employee attitude would be developed and general organizational efficiency be attained.

Scope of the Study
This study covers the activities of five selected manufacturing organizations, These manufacturing companies have been so selected due to their high performances in the past years.

The study will focus on the area of recruitment and selection policy and its influence on employee productivity as well as the overall objectives of the selected manufacturing organizations, Delta State, Nigeria, its management and staffs.

The study covers the various variables or components (independent variables) of employee recruitment and selection policy such as applicant recruitment methods, applicant screening, applicant shortlisting, and interview, and evaluates the impact these have on employee productivity (dependent variable).

This study also outlines the relevance of employee recruitment and selection policy as a workable strategy that will help manufacturing companies to survive and to remain relevant in the industry while ensuring quality service delivery.

Limitations of the Study
It is not unusual to encounter certain problems in the course of accomplishing such undertakings. Problems encountered manifest themselves in various shapes and manners. Below are some of the constraints faced by the researcher.

i Bureaucratic Constraint: Under this constraint certain attempts made to interview some top officials attracted postponement because of policies guiding official engagements and procedures in releasing the required data or official secret of the company.

ii. Attitude Constraint: In the course of data collection, it was observed that the attitudes of some questionnaire distributed were rejected for empirical reasons and yet others were accepted unwillingly. Consequently it took time and much effort to recover them.

Nevertheless, despite the constraints to the work, the researcher was able to gather substantial materials to the best of her ability which will make the work possible, realisable and reliable.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Size: 61 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
Format: MS Word  |  Delivery: Within 30Mins.


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