The major purpose of this study was to investigate the current status and Knowledge and attitude of female students towards physical and health education in secondary schools Port Harcourt in Rivers state, and make recommendations for their participation.

The main issues considered are females in sport activities, physical education as an academic disciplines, gender issue, curriculum and finally the factors that affect female students in physical education learning.

To this end, descriptive survey method was employed.

The study was carried out on 3 secondary schools that were selected using random sampling techniques from 8 secondary schools in Port Harcourt.

The study also involved 200 female students selected randomly from grade 11 and grade 12, 5 teachers and 3 school directors purposely selected from the 3 sample schools.

Questionnaire, observations, and interview were the instruments used for data collection.

The data gathered were analyzed using the collected data were presented in a table form and analyzed using percentages.

Some of the major findings including the enrollment challenges of students in the sample secondary schools had fluctuating challenges that female students dropout was due to economic problems parents household demand of their daughter labor, early marriage and abduction. There was a significant difference in achievement between male and female students. Female students like better skills development earlier at secondary school and to have more female teachers and other sporting role models.

1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Education is one of the fundamental elements for social, cultural and economic development of a country. In addition, it is the main means to bring changes involves and attitudes conducive to change.

Schools are educational institutions where students can construct and use systematic knowledge, develop creative thinking and acquire a better understanding of the world. It is in the school that the young generation of a country is shaped and develops the physical and mental potential in accordance to the educational goals of the country.

The overall cultural, social and economic development of a country depends up on the degree to which it ensure access and opportunity of education to all social groups without any disparity. However, different levels to learning acquisition are still major problems of our country among women and men.

Compared to males, females have less access to enter schools, are not provided with equal opportunities at all level of education and hence do not enjoy the benefits of education that males do (Tsige Haile, 1991:1).

Female education in the third world suffers from low participation, poor performance and gender biases, which are the outcomes of the society discriminatory practices on females. Gender role socialization has its root at home and is reinforced in schools and other social institutions (Genet Zewdie 1991:9).

When we address the issue of females’ participation in sport we have to consider various points. Some view in terms of the context of the sport movement itself and of its net work of organizations which extends from the call to the regional, national, and international level.

Stivachitis (199:2) stated that, at the United Nation level, the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (called CEDAW) was a major achievement for the women’s rights movement when it was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1979. She further added that, it is necessary, however to mention that UN initiatives and conferences focused primary on sport for all as sport and physical education at school or in leisure time that concerns a large number of women and girls and is more directly related to education and social life (Stivachtis, 1999: 2).

CEDAW articles 109 deals with education states: states parties shall take all appropriate measure to eliminate discrimination against women in order to ensure to them equal rights with men in the field of education and in particular to ensure, on a basis of equality of men and women, the same opportunities to participate actively in sport and physical education.

According to Leonard II and Knapp (1968:77) suggestion. The fundamental purpose of physical education is to promote through selected physical activity, the establishment and maintenance of competencies, attitude, ideas, drives, and conditions which enables each individual to establish a pattern of living that provides satisfactory self expression and adjustment through individual accomplishment and that contributed to group welfare through individual accomplishment and that contributed to group welfare through home, community, state, national and world citizenship experience appropriate for each individual.

The focus and concern of physical education is the development of physical, social, emotional, and teaching skills, the acquisition of knowledge and the development of attitude through movement and as a result it contributes much to the total educational process.

The new education and training polices (1994) states that physical education shall be given due attention and the institute of curriculum and development of research (ICDR) has developed syllabus of physical education on the basis of the policy to increase the participation of students both male and the female. In conclusion the above ideas, when we look at the learning or participation of female students in physical education there important problems such as school factors, instructional material, peer groups, socio-cultural, economical, physiological and psychological factors are observed.

However, female can show remarkable improvement in their physical feature by making continuous physical exercise. To this end physical education plays a decisive role.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
The purpose of this study is to assess and examine how the Knowledge and attitude of female students towards physical and health education at secondary schools of Port Harcourt, is going on and to identify factors influencing female students towards physical and health education and to suggest possible solution for the problem.

The brief study of physical education and its relationship to the general education is needed more appreciate understanding through study of its components parts together with identifying the problem that hindered its future development and favorite progress.

The issue of gender particularly in education has become a concern in many countries. It is a server problem in developing nation like Nigeria were there is lack of family guidance and counseling in appropriate instructional materials in the field, socio cultural problems and the existence of little research in the area.

Therefore, the purpose of this research were to look in to the Knowledge and attitude of female students towards physical and health education and factors which affects their learning in physical education class in Port Harcourt secondary schools.

1.3 Research Questions
Accordingly, in order to achieve the above purpose, the study were tried to seek answer to the following basic questions.

1) What does the performance of female students look like in physical education class?

2) Is there difference of learning or participation between boys and girls in physical education class?

3) Are there any socio cultural, economic and school factors that affects the learning of female students in physical education class?

4) Does available sport equipment and supplies, facilities for teaching and learning process of physical education?

1.3.1 General Objective
The general objective of this study is to assess Knowledge and attitude of female participation in selected secondary schools of Port Harcourt.

1.3.2 Specific Objective
Specifically, the following specific purposes were under taken.

1) To minimizing the problem of female students and increasing their performance.

2) To analyze the present situation of female students learning or participations in physical education and to show the general picture of the challenge of learning of participation.

3) To identify the root causes or factors that preclude female students from participating in physical education and to indicate necessary and alternative solution which may help to minimize the challenges?

4) To improve the availability of materials to teach physical education.

1.4 Significance of the Study
The major purpose of this study will be to assess and obtain in formation about Knowledge and attitude of female students towards physical and health education at Port Harcourt secondary schools.

There fore the study will be the following significances.
- It gives some ideas about the challenges of learning of female students in physical education class as compared to male students in Port Harcourt. secondary schools.

- The study may contribute for policy makers to make policy in considering Knowledge and attitude of female participation in of class.

- The result of the study indicates the problems and cases that affect female student’s participation in physical education class.

The finding of this study will provide specific information for those who are interested in conducting research on related issues.

1.5 Limitation of the Study
The study was intended to get information from female students and teachers. However, the investigator was trapped to find female teachers in the sample schools, this hindered in getting more information and idea, hence, depending on the role model part of female teachers in the field of physical education.

The investigator strongly believes that, the inclusion of large population size in the study could give most credible information. However, because of time constraints only 3 schools were considered for the study. In line with this, due to little reference and researched materials in the area in Nigerian situation, the investigator was heavily depended on foreign sources.

In spite of all these constraints an attempt has been made to make the study as complete as possible. However, the study would serve as a spring board for further study and interested researchers may advance the study.

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Item Type: Project Material  |  Size: 111 pages  |  Chapters: 1-5
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