This study assessed the implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa state. The focus of this study are to assess the availability of qualified Islamic Studies teachers for a successful implementation of Islamic studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa state, assess the use of instructional materials for the implementation of Islamic studies curriculum in senior secondary schools of Jigawa state, ascertain the conduciveness of the learning environment for the successful implementation of Islamic studies curriculum in senior secondary schools of Jigawa state, assess the teachers’ utilization of the appropriate teaching methods for a successful implementation of Islamic studies curriculum in senior secondary schools of Jigawa state and finally assess the extent to teachers’ capacity building affects the implementation of Islamic studies curriculum in senior secondary schools of Jigawa state. Survey design was used for the study with 384 sample size that comprised principals, Islamic studies teachers and students. Simple random sampling technique was used in selecting the sample participants. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire developed by the researcher and was validated by the researchers’ supervisors and experts from faculty of education Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and found it appropriate for this type of study. Data collected were analyzed using Chi-Square statistics. Five research questions were analyzed and five hypotheses were tested and all these were rejected. Findings from the study revealed there was the availability of qualified Islamic studies teachers, inadequate instructional materials and poor appropriate teachers’ utilization of teaching methods. Teacher’s capacity building enhances successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum is not fully operational in senior secondary schools in Jigawa State. Based on the findings of the study recommendations were made which include: government in collaboration with stakeholders should Endeavour to provide additional Islamic studies teachers in senior secondary schools; that available instructional facilities should be provided and teacher’s capacity building should be regularly carried out in senior secondary schools throughout the state.

1.1 Background to the Study
The Islamic education in northern Nigeria was only formally established during the fourteenth century much earlier than western education, which was formally
established  in  the  nineteenth century. Ever since the conquest of the various Nigerian
nations by the British colonist at the end of the 19the  and 20the  centuries, Islamic studies as
a subject and even the Islamic studies teachers as a professionals academic and societal guides      have been relegated to     the background. This has effect in discouragingthe Muslims youth from staying the subject in especially at secondary and even post- secondary institutions.

The British colonies seriously under mired the teaching of Islamic studies by appointing people who can hardly motivate and inspire the young mind to learn the subject. Consequently, the students lost confidence in the teachers of Islamic studies as well as whatever they teach. They were only motivated and inspired by the English, mathematics, history or geography e.t.c subjects. This sort of element constitutes the problems being face by Islamic studies as subject and its teaching in Nigerian schools. Consequently, the Islamic studies subject was relegated to the background in school curriculum. Whenever class and examination time tables are prepared the Islamic studies subject is placed towards the end of the day when the students were physically tired, mentally exhausted, and are eager to go to the dining hall for lunch. Every educationalist knows that, there can hardly be any proper mental concentration and interest, in whatever the teacher teaches at such at odd time (Dauda, 1994).

Another problem associated with teaching of Islamic studies in the schools is that of inadequate text books in languages other than Arabic, and the majority of the students of Islamic studies have problem, a very poor Arabic language background. And they ended up either frustrated or as poor Islamic studies teachers. The teaching of Islamic studies in schools is also handicapped, has hindered the students from being exposed to the practical realities of the subject. Instructional materials such as radio, video recorders as in case of learning Tajweed are lacked (Dauda, 1994).

On the other vein, the Islamic studies as a subject in our schools focus with the problems of shortage teachers. Teachers are shortage and not fully qualified to teach the subject Islamic studies. As far as the subject Islamic studies concern, is the mother of all subjects, and the Book of Allah (Al-Qur’an) is the mother of all books, therefore teaching of students to know the words of Allah as contain in His book is the first priority because of it is the basis and the core of all forms of knowledge hence, the researcher intend to investigate into the implementation of Islamic studies curriculum in selected secondary schools in the emirates of Jigawa state and to see whether or not it conforms with the true teaching

of Islam and the question for lifelong education. And also to investigate the problem that confront the teaching of Islamic studies in the few schools selected and with the hope that progress can be made for proper effective implementation of the subject curriculum.

The overall objective in every teaching –learning interaction as usually required is to bring about harmonious development of the individual and acquisition of the desired knowledge, values and skills to enable him/her function in a particular way. The process of teaching needs to be supervised for effective teaching- learning process. The syllabus and curriculum system must be given special care and consideration so as to achieve the desired objectives. Thus, when curriculum system is ensured in every school, there will be positive developments that will bring permanent change in the behaviour of the learner signifying that learning has taken place.

However, human societies differ in the way they teach their children values, norms and skills, while others impart skills in formal way, through organized system, that is a well recognized system approved by the ministry of education. Others prefer more traditional ways in inculcating such desired values, notwithstanding the particular society in which learning takes place, and methodology used, a number of variables interact together to bring about a stable and permanent changes in behaviour.

Consequently, besides the two important variables mentioned in teaching- learning process, the environment in which learning takes place has to be conducive for learning. In formal learning, schools are not just a place to learn, to read and write but also receive complete education. Therefore, schools have to provide suitable environment for effective and proper development of the learner so as to acquire the desired skills, but where the school environment is deficient or lacking in the materials required for effective learning, the designed objectives could not be achieved.

This study was carried out in order to address the importance of school facilities and equipments that need to be made available in all senior secondary schools of Jigawa states in the study area. The absence or shortage of facilities and equipments in the senior secondary schools particularly in the educational zones of Jigawa state would be a stumbling block and impediment towards the excellent academic performance of the senior secondary school students. It is in view of this that a decision was taken to make a research on the assessment of the implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools of Jigawa state.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
As a developing country, Nigeria’s policymakers recognized the imperativeness of education to sustain national development and progress (Nwagu, 2011). He further stated that the aim of education in Nigeria is to provide the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to the citizens, so that they can become useful to themselves and to the society. In addition, this will enable them (learners) to participate toward the development of their communities. Specifically, these educational objectives can be broadly presented as assimilation of national consciousness and national unity; an acclimatization of the right values and attitudes for the survival of an individual and the Nigerian society; an equipping citizens with the awareness the world in general.

However, to achieve these educational objectives proper, curriculum implementation is imperative. According to Okundaye (2003), curriculum is a means through which societal values are translated by the educational institutions into tangible and attestation. He further contended that curriculum portrays and transmits to the learners what the society considers

worthwhile. Therefore, Ibiwumi (2011) asserted that for a successful attainment of educational curriculum, government and other stakeholders in education should make adequate provision of human and material resources. He added that qualified teachers, instructional facilities, learning materials and conducive learning environment among others  facilitate implementation of educational curriculum in secondary schools.

On the other hand, the description of Nigeria as a nation state by the World Bank (1996) has continued to be confirmed by events and official statistic. The philosophical nature is that, educational standard in Nigeria contracts the country’s inadequate consideration in the sector, among others. It is obvious that the country (Nigeria) is enormously endowed with human, agriculture; petroleum, gas and large untapped resources, but education and academic standard are left behind (Obadan, 2003). He continued that Nigeria earned $300 billion from the sale of crude oil in the last three decades of the twentieth century, but rather than to record remarkable progress in national development which education is the backbone, Nigeria retrogressed to become one of the poorest nations in the World.

Moreover, the situation is not different in Jigawa state where students in secondary schools are expected to benefit from the rich resources of the country through the provision of human and material resources to facilitate smooth implementation of educational curriculum in secondary schools. But, students are living in academic failure particularly in the area of qualified teachers, instructional materials, seminars and workshops for teachers, learning materials, good classroom building with adequate furniture, class population among others thereby making it difficult for teachers the key actors to successfully implement educational curriculum in secondary schools in the area.

Ajayi (2007) has identified conducive learning environment, teachers training and retraining programme, enough qualified teachers, regular supervision of teachers, normal class population and learners interest as the most potent factors for positive implementation of educational curriculum in secondary schools. Therefore, it is against this background information that the researcher wants to assess the implementation of Islamic education curriculum in some selected secondary schools in Jigawa State.

1.3       Objectives of the Study
The following objectives are raised with regard to this study:

1.    assess the availability of qualified Islamic studies teachers for a successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in secondary schools in Jigawa State.

2.ascertain the conduciveness of the learning environment with regards to favorable atmosphere for a successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa State.

3.  to ascertain the extent to which teachers capacity building affects the implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa State.

4.  assess the availability and appropriate use of instructional materials for a successful

implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in secondary schools Jigawa State.

5.  to assess the teachers’ utilization of the appropriate teaching methods for a successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in secondary schools in Jigawa State.

1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions are formulated to guide the study:

1.      What are the teaching qualifications for a successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa State?

does  c o n d u c i v e n e s s   o f   t h e

successful  implementation
of  Islamic
curriculum  in  senior

secondary schools in Jigawa state?

T o
a t
e x  t e n t
enhances  a

successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools

in Jigawa State?

4.      To what extent does the availability and appropriate use of instructional materials enhances a successful implementation of Islamic Studies
curriculum   in senior Secondary schools in Jigawa State?

5.   To what extent does the teachers’ utilization of appropriate teaching methods enhance a successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa State?

1.5   Hypotheses
The following Hypotheses are formulated for this study:

1. There is no significant difference between the opinions of teachers’ and principals’ and students’ with regard to the availability of qualified Islamic studies teachers for a successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa State.

2. There is no significant difference between teachers ’and principals’ and students’ opinions with regard to the availability and appropriate use of instructional materials for a successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa State.

3.  There is no significant difference in the opinions of teachers’/principals’ and students’ with regard to favorable learning environment for a successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa State

4.          There  is  no  significant  difference  between  teachers’/principals’  and  students’

opinions with regard to teachers’ utilization of appropriate teaching methods for a successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa State.

5.        There  is  no  significant  difference  between  teachers’/principals’  and  students’

opinions with regard to teacher’s capacity building for enhancement of a successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools in Jigawa State.

Basic Assumptions
The following assumptions are raised with regard to this research:

1.      adequate qualified teachers are expected to facilitate a successful implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in senior secondary schools of Jigawa state.

2.      Availability of relevant instructional materials in senior secondary schools is expected to facilitate student’ understanding and help teachers to attain their instructional objectives.

3.      Conducive learning atmosphere is capable of influencing students’ academic achievement and can increase teachers’ productivity.

4.      If teachers can utilize various teaching methods appropriately is capable of facilitating students’ understanding as well as helping teachers to realize their instructional objectives.

Knowledge acquired by teachers through training and retraining would not only help teachers in teaching their particular subject, but would make them more productive and functional in other areas.

1.7   Significance of the Study
The researcher believes that, assessing the curriculum of Islamic education implementation will be beneficial in the life of every Muslim. The research will be of immense benefit to the society and teachers teaching the subject will make use of the finding to improve their knowledge in the subject. The research work will be a work of value in taking decision on curriculum change in the Islamic system of education. The ministry of education Jigawa state can make use of the research finding to draw policies and programmes that will improve the teaching of Islamic studies in secondary schools.

On the other hand, readers who laid their hands on the research work will benefit from the prospects in teaching Islamic studies, students who are opportune to read the research work will benefit from the recommendations of the write up which bother more on teaching and learning. Policy makers can borrow a leave from the findings of the study, map out effective instrument and programmes that will enhance better teaching of Islamic studies in secondary schools.

Educational agencies such as Jigawa state Educational Resource Department (JERD), Islamic Education Bureau (IEB) e.t.c in the state can benefit from the recommendations of the study to train and re-train teachers of Islamic studies for more productivity. The research is a contribution to Islamic education curriculum planners and the result could be used to make improvement and suggestion for the development of Islamic studies teaching in secondary schools and different levels of Islamic studies students. The research may open up a relatively unexpected area for continued research work.

The study is very crucial to the curriculum planners. The curriculum planners are professional individuals who are well trained in curriculum management, they are active participants in the field of curriculum and they are responsible for curriculum planning as regards to contents and implementation procedures. Therefore, curriculum planning has been seen as a collection of readings that presents the knowledge, skills and alternative strategies needed by curriculum planners and teachers at all levels of education from early childhood through adulthood.

Thus, the curriculum planners through this study will come to know whether the Islamic Studies curriculum is fully implemented in senior secondary schools of Jigawa State or not. However, if the implementation of Islamic studies curriculum is successful in senior secondary schools of Jigawa state, then the curriculum planners will have a thorough knowledge on the current Islamic studies curriculum implementation of senior secondary schools of Jigawa state.

The research is also useful and beneficial to the federal, state and local government education policy makers. The policy makers in education include: the minister of education, commissioners of education, local government education secretaries and so on. Therefore, the outcome of this research will give them a clear picture of the level of Islamic studies curriculum implementation in senior secondary schools of Jigawa state. Having known the current level of Islamic studies curriculum implementation in the schools, the policy makers can create or formulate new educational policy that will ensure the same Islamic studies curriculum implementation in all senior secondary schools of Nigeria.

The public in the business of education are also expected to benefit from this study for obtaining good output in senior secondary schools of Jigawa state. It has been aware that the concern of most public today is mainly on what they can do to help children to acquire a sound Islamic education because of its place of influencing and preparing individuals for facing other processes of Islamic knowledge. This research will therefore help the general public in knowing the significance of Islamic Studies. The study will also reveal to the general public the importance of providing enough school facilities that will facilitate the teaching- learning process so as to have effective and a sound knowledge of Islamic Knowledge.

1.8    Scope of the Study
The study was conducted to assess the implementation of Islamic Studies curriculum in selected senior secondary schools in Jigawa State. The subjects for the study are Islamic studies teachers, principals and students of public secondary schools in Jigawa state. The study was delimited to senior secondary schools in Hadejia, Ringin and Gumel Educational Zone of Jigawa State. This study was conducted on senior secondary schools of Jigawa State.

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