This study is based on the effect ofdivorce in our society and child educational development of Secondary School students in Aba North L.G.A in Abia State. This study was carried out in five selected secondary school in the study area. Chapter one comprised of introduction and background of study. The study also described the statement of problem, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitations of study, and definition of terms. Chapter two is concerned with review of related literatures, chapter three described research design, population of study, sample of study, sampling techniques adopted, instrument, validity of instrument, method of data collection and analysis. Chapter four based on data analysis hence, the data collected from the respondents were analyzed. Finally, chapter five dealt on summary, conclusion, recommendation and suggestions for further studies.

1.1 Background of the Study
In the past, marriage was a matter within the clan and its environs, parents were not anxious to see their getting married to girls from distance places or other tribes., marriage was arranged by parents on basic of family friendship scarcely of an ancient time, it was also very rate because of its penalties proven in fear of offending the elders of both families. There are four clearly defined types of marriages. Those performed at the church, those performed at the mosque are marriages contracted according to native law and customs of any ethnic group. The purpose of marriage is to have students and establish a family, when these students eventually arrive they are regarded as blessing from God and are social and economic assets to the parents. The family, this needs a home to live and feel secured. Therefore, a home is a place where a family lives and also a place where the student's attitude are monitored and be secured.

A home is place which provides all individual needs in order to fit into the society successfully. It provides food, psychological, mentally and spiritual development of its members. A home provides mutual understanding and good planning which is able to meet its goals. A home where mutual understanding is lacking that home is bound crack and fissure in all direction and it will lead to broken homes. Therefore, broken homes is a situation where either the father or the mother cease to be mention but a few.

Divorce therefore, can be defined to be a personal misfortune for either of the spouse in any society, but is a universal escape for the inevitable tension of marriage, divorce as a matter of fact is a strong bound that breach two united individual or family. Marriage is a big step in life in which a person plans as a career or business, certainly you either fail or succeed. This bond dissolution is as a result of extra merit practiced by the partners in early marriage, a situation where either the spouse is not ripe enough for marriage before getting married. The proper upbringing of students is a very important task for the family than the happiness of the parents, this is because the early life of the child are the formation of personality and these are the years that are spent mainly in association with parents and siblings in the family. The home forms the basis of personality development which accompanies the individual throughout his/her life. As a result of broken home or divorce students fails to develop ties to one or few important persons in the family and when these ties are disrupted, the students are taught imparted in developing classes relationship in adulthood, they feel better and caring as a happy person and at the same cannot concentrate on anything taught at school.

When a mother is out of a home, leaving the students under charity and mercy of step mothers, these students are prone to many problems such as poor feed, negligence not inspired to study or learn, diseases and sickness emotional disturbances (fear of insecurity) as such they marriage to be successful. There is the need for the couples to be in harmony mentally, and spiritually in other works of life, the husband and the wife must have a common goal and each has to contribute his or her quota towards its fulfillment and the key ward should be own.

1.2 Statement of Problem
There are many problems with single parenting or broken homes which at the long run reflect on the performance of students in schools. Some of these problems are;

i. Meeting of a gap on the student's existence because there is no adult to guide and direct their behavior and desires as students learn by imitation.

ii. There is increase in domestic work and redistribution of household chores, which leaves the students with little or no time for their studies

iii. Also, it has been observed that students from broken homes suffer some other problems such as non-provision of some basic material needs like non-provision of some basic materials needs like food, clothing and learning material

iv. In security, step parent do not show much love and affection to their step students. Thus, these students suffer from mental retardation, personality improvement and are always miserable. They show behavioral responses like lying, stealing, building and playing truant in school.

In view of this, the researcher is forced to wonder whether extra-relationship and financial problem could lead to broken home, and if broken homes, are they causes of decrease in the performance of students in schools. In that, a closer look at the turn out of secondary school graduates.

1.3 Purpose of theStudy
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence that divorce has our society and child educational development and their role in minimizing thoseeffects.

1.4 Objectives of the Study
The objectives were to:

1. Examine secondary school teachers’ perceptions on the effects divorces our society and child educational development.

2. Explore the perception of students in divorces and the effects of their status on their academicperformance

3. Explore community members’ views on their role in the effects of divorce on students’ academic performance.

1.5 Research Questions
This study was guided by the following research questions:

1. What are the teachers’ perceptions on the effects of divorce to student's academicperformance?

2. What are student's perceptions on the effects of divorce to their academicperformance?

3. What are the perceptions of the community members on their role in minimizing the effects of divorces our society and child educational development?

1.6 Significance Of Study
It is hoped that findings from this study will enrich programmes of teaching social studies. The researcher is interested in the study of effect of single parenting on the performance of students in schools because whatever happens in the home has a bearing in the academic performance of students. It is necessary to educate the young stars who are yet unmarried about the problems and causes of single parenting and their consequences on the students. It will also make young stars to decimate their parents. Findings from this study will aid students from parent who have being thought single parenting in the understanding of problem experienced by their parents and give them assurance about their future.

1.7 Definition Of Terms
Family: A group of persons, two or more related by blood, marriage or adoption residing together; all such persons are considered as members of one family

Marriage: Union of man woman as husband and wife.

Couple: Two persons seen together as husband and wife.

Divorce: Put an end to a marriage by law.

Infidelity: Disloyalty or unfaithfulness of husband or wife sexually outside matrimonial homes.

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