Due to the predominance of burdensome paper-based and fragmented health data management systems, Nigeria lacks efficient health information management systems. Making well-informed healthcare decisions may be challenging as a result. This study looked at the IT knowledge, application, and training requirements for Nigerian health information management practitioners.

Examining the prior assessment conducted by UTH Nnewi Hospital Management prior to the system's implementation and learning about the obstacles to ICT skills that health information management professionals in UTH Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria, face as well as looking into potential solutions to preserve and conserve ICT skills are among the objectives. Also, the study used a straightforward percentage technique that the authors computed to analyze information from 50 health and medical professionals who worked in the major departments and units examined at UTH Nnewi in Anambra State, Nigeria. The results demonstrate that the performance of health information management professionals at University Nnamdi Azikiwe University Hospital in Anambra State, Nigeria, is significantly influenced by ICT skills.

Poor funding, insufficient computers and other ICT equipment, low competence, and harsh environmental conditions are a few examples. The research suggests that, in order to address the issue of inadequate funding for health information management, owners of medical facilities should provide the organization with additional financial resources, as well as the funding required to build the infrastructure and purchase cutting-edge equipment that would support and maintain their patients' long-term excellent health. They may eventually aid in cost and labor savings. Also, administrators of the surveyed healthcare facilities should step up their efforts to motivate their staff to maintain strong record-keeping practices.

A crucial component of decision-making in the twenty-first century is reliable information. Using technology to create and transmit useful and trustworthy information has enormous potential to improve the delivery of healthcare services globally. Each nation seeking to develop needs to have a strong healthcare system. Access to high-quality healthcare, however, differs between nations, socioeconomic classes, and people. Several social and economic elements, as well as health policies and strategies pertaining to the region, impact access to healthcare (Reinartz, 2004).

Health care planning may fall under the purview of the government or other coordinating authorities in some nations, while it may fall under the purview of market actors in others. The majority of functions should be digital in current technological age to have effective and proper work plans, given the government's commitment and efforts to encourage technology advancement. The adoption of electronic systems will assist remote data collecting and monitoring, tracking of epidemic outbreaks and communication of any diseases, as well as education, awareness-raising, and support for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Also, providing high-quality customer service in the healthcare sector has a significant financial influence on the long-term objective. It includes the use of newer, more time-saving technologies to deliver functional, effective, efficient, and high-quality healthcare services (Tam, 2005).

Systems for managing Electronic Health Records (EHR) are currently getting a lot of attention for exchanging patient data, enhancing procedures, and improving patient outcomes in poor nations (Johnson, 2010). As a genuine reflection of the entrance of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) into the global health care system, technology has assumed an increasingly major role in the delivery of healthcare during the last several years. As a result, a large number of privately and publicly funded medical facilities spend a significant amount of money developing an EHR administration system globally.

There is a lot of interest in the potential of EHR management systems to save healthcare costs and dramatically raise the caliber of services offered in a variety of medical facilities throughout the world (Holroyd-Leduc, Lorenzetti, Straus, Sykes, & Quan, 2011). EHR initiatives were mentioned by Deutsch et al. in 2010 as a potential means of enhancing the healthcare industry. Yet, these programs are complicated and expensive, especially in underdeveloped countries where patients are solely responsible for paying for their own medical expenses. EHR projects in five advanced countries were further assessed by Deutsch and colleagues in 2010. (England, Germany, Canada, Denmark, and Australia). They identified five key factors for successful implementation: project management, health policy-related goals, acceptability and change management, proof of benefits and funding (Deutsch, Duftschmid, & Dorda, 2010).

One of the main elements that strengthens the provision of healthcare across all nations is health information management. Accurate health information management results in timely health policies and planning, enhancing both the nation's overall health condition and the ability of specific healthcare facilities to manage and enhance the delivery of healthcare (Teviu, Aikins, Abdulia, et al., 2012). It is impossible to understate the contribution of information technologies (ITs) to bettering the overall management of health data. The ability of ITs to collect, store, retrieve, analyze, and transfer massive amounts of health records across numerous locations attests to this (Norman, Aikens & Binka, 2011). The use of ITs in healthcare delivery, sometimes known as "E-health," has been hailed as being particularly important for enhancing the accuracy and efficacy of medical records, yet it has also received praise for enhancing healthcare delivery systems with its multiple creative applications and programs that are specifically tailored to each user, such the Electronic Health Records (Yusif & Soar, 2014). Although the use of ITs in healthcare delivery is not a new paradigm globally, its adoption and promotion have become especially important in developing nations with limited resources whose healthcare systems are characterized by severe financial, infrastructural, technical, and human resource constraints (Yusif & Soar, 2014). The use of ICTs in healthcare delivery improves access to healthcare facilities for patients and healthcare professionals, as well as the quality of care provided, according to studies carried out in a number of developing countries. This results in more productive labor and the overall development of the nation (Oyeyemi & Wynn, 2014). Governments and other decision-makers in developing nations have also acknowledged the importance of IT in enhancing the general healthcare of their citizens, particularly in light of the fact that many developing nations are vying to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

In addition, the Nigerian government is making significant investments in IT-based Health Information Management Systems in an effort to enhance healthcare and public healthcare facilities' overall performance (Mami 2016). Huge financial investments have been made in the adoption of IT applications in the Nigerian health sector, including those from the government, other private persons, and institutions in Abuja as well as other foreign organizations. These include the numerous pilot ITs projects (even though there are other fully developed projects as well) at various government hospitals in Ghana and Nigeria, including the Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital, Korlebu Teaching Hospital, Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Tamale Teaching Hospital, Ridge Hospital, and Tema General Hospital in Ghana. By improved communication and the influence of information for planning, managing, and delivering health services, the Nigerian government's objective is to assure the delivery of excellent, affordable, and modern health care in an equitable and timely manner.

Significant benefits, including enhanced procedures and cost savings, are promised when information technology is used to handle the administration of complex information resources. Healthcare businesses have seen a number of advancements in IT deployment, with IT now playing a bigger part in the delivery of care. All these technical advancements have been developed to give healthcare firms fully functional solutions to enhance record management services (Grimson, 2001).

Several human endeavors now have a new dimension because to technology. When necessary, it helps close knowledge gaps, and when gaps are needed, it helps create them (Van Hoof et al, 2006). The goal of integrating various information technologies (ITs) into the healthcare systems of developing nations is not just to modernize those systems, but also to save lives through improved communication, the use of evidence-based decision-making, the incorporation of e-learning for remote health professionals, and staff data handling and processing activities (ITU, 2012).

Because it necessitates a lot of resources, such as skilled labor, sophisticated technology, and substantial financial resources, all of which can be challenging to come by in low-income settings, the art of preservation and management of health records has become a subject of increasing concern over time (World Health Organization, 2012). As a result, the role of information and communications technology (ICT) based solutions in health record management has dramatically increased as a result of the necessity to create and coordinate new ways of offering efficient health record services.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
In order to receive medical care, it has been noticed that patients must wait in line for several hours at each hospital department, starting with getting a new hospital folder or retrieving an old one before seeing a doctor, then going to the laboratory for a lab test, going to the pharmacy for the prescribed medications, and so on. The majority of patients waste the entire day at the hospital due to the laborious processes needed in handling them. In order to be among the first set of patients to see the doctor, patients frequently leave their houses very early in the morning. Otherwise, they risk wasting the entire day by not paying attention. Most patients find this condition frustrating, and occasionally they are forced to seek the help of non-professionals or even turn to self-medication in an effort to heal quickly. 2013 (Udofia I. U.)

Nigeria's Health Record Management industry has not been able to fully utilize the capabilities of contemporary information technology to enhance healthcare delivery (Hitachi Data Systems, 2012). There are numerous difficulties in keeping patient medical records on paper. With such a large number of patients registered, a lot of physical space is required to maintain and retain the paper-based medical records. As these systems rely on the handwriting of specific medical staff members (e.g. doctors, nurses, laboratory scientists e.t.c), Illegibility of writing is a potential issue that could make it challenging to obtain information at other times. Access to patients' longitudinal information is frequently complicated and laborious. Due to redundancy and waste, improper access has cost the healthcare sector a lot every year (Hitachi Data Systems, 2012).

A significant issue has arisen about the preservation and conservation of medical documentation and records. The primary issue with registries is material deterioration, which also gives birth to record preservation and conservation. A few of the biggest obstacles to integrating information technology into Nigeria's health record management system are: finances, a lack of employees and materials, and improper coordination of data flow, a massive backlog of unprocessed data and a lack of feedback for peripheral data. The high cost of implementation, inadequate infrastructure development, and a lack of skilled people are some other obstacles preventing the integration of information technology into health record administration in UTH Nnewi, Nigeria, and some other African countries (Ayo et al, 2008).

The adoption of EHR management systems has gained momentum in Sub-Saharan Africa in recent years due to the conviction that these systems can raise the standard of healthcare by providing accurate and readily accessible patient information, regardless of the location where a patient is receiving care. Hence, efficient EHR management systems are essential for avoiding medical errors since they offer decision-supporting point-of-care information and warn a doctor of drug interactions via an electronic prescription platform (Bates, et al., 2001). As a result, the goal of this study is to evaluate the major variables that affect the adoption of EHR management systems in Nigeria.

1.3 Objective Of Study:
The general objective of this study is to examine the influence of ICT skills on the performance of health information management professionals in UTH Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria.

Specific Objectives of The Study

The following were the specific objectives that guided this research. They include to:

1. Todeterminethe IT knowledge of health information management professionals in the health facilities.

2. Todeterminethe utilization and perception of health information management professionals in the health facilities towards electronic health records.

3. Find out the challenges of ICT skills on the performance of health information management professionals in UTH Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria.

1.4 Research Questions:
The study sought to address the following research questions;

1. What isthe IT knowledge of health information management professionals in the health facilities?

2. What isthe levelof utilization and perception of health information management professionals in the health facilities towards electronic health records?

3. What are the probable measures of improving on the usage of information technology in UTH Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria?

1.5 Research Hypothesis
H0: there is no influence of ICT skills on the performance of health information management professionals.

H1: there is influence of ICT skills on the performance of health information management.

1.4 Significance of The Study
Even though information technology has a great deal of potential to enhance the distribution of health records and boost the effectiveness of health care delivery systems. The recording, distribution, and sharing of timely information at the point-of-care will be improved through the use of information technology. The technology has the potential to save lives while providing tremendous mobility and flexibility. This study will add to the body of knowledge on the administration and preservation of medical records in Nigerian healthcare facilities. Also, it will offer a better and more dependable tool for enhancing hospital record administration. This study will provide information on how information and communication technology (ICT) can improve the management of medical records in the next years and how to broaden their application. The adoption of electronic health records (EHR) can minimize patient suffering brought on by medical mistakes and analysts' incapacity to evaluate quality. The ability to link to numerous electronic medical record systems is a benefit of EHR systems. Patients are choosing their procedures when it comes to the current state of the medical industry globally.

Health Information Managers, Nurses, Doctors, and Other Health/Medical Practitioners at Major Departments/Units, UTH Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria were the only participants in this study on the impact of ICT skills on the performance of health record management. Between January and May 2023, research was done. The dependent variables were Impact of ICT skills on the performance of health record management, whereas the independent variables were socio demographic data such as respondent age, sex, religion, marital status, and level of education. Respondents who were not UTH Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria employees or staff relatives were not included in the study.

1.7 Limitation of The Study
The researcher experienced numerous physical issues while working on the study. These issues comprise:

The researcher had a severe issue in gathering the data needed to build the manuscript. Information is a business's primary instrument for gathering reliable data or materials. The failure to obtain materials on time therefore seriously hampered my project. In reality, I had to spend more than five months gathering the data I required for this project.

Also, a significant amount of money is spent on travelling to collect the data for my case study. So, spending money is necessary for this initiative to be successful.

The main drawbacks of this study were time and money limits, as well as a lack of reaction from some health and medical professionals who feared that computers might eventually replace doctors and force them out of business. To help medical professionals keep up with the current information technology trend, the researcher is urging all of them to undergo mandatory information technology training.

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