The topic of the study is the effects of mother tongue in the study of English language among French students inNsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State. The aim is to know how the mother tongue affects oral Englishamong French students especially in four selected schools in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State. The targeted population for the study was 500 but collection was questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed to the four schools selected in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State. The data were analyzed using percentage. The following were the researcher’s findings. That teachers of English language in Nsukka do not have teaching aids in their various schools visited. That students are hardly fluent in English language. That most of the English language teachers are not qualified that students are hardly buy books in English language. That most students are very poor in understanding some of the English language vocabularies. In view of the above, the researcher recommends that teachers should be made to make use of correct teaching method in teaching of English that mother tongue should be restricted as stipulated by the national policy on education 4th edition. That student should be taught and made to speak English language always. That teachers of the English language should be made to ensure that at least every student is carried along in the classroom lesson. That qualified teachers should be employed.

1.1 Background of the Study.
Language is the most distinctive human quality and attribute. Language is characterized by a set of vocal sounds which can be decoded. Language does not exist in a vacuum. It is always contextualized. There is a relationship between language and society. The importance of the relationship between language and society cannot be over-emphasized in the education of a child. Language is a guide to social reality. English language is one of the languages used in Nigeria.

English language has become a valuable legacy of the British which has provided Nigerians with yet another means of expressing their culture. English language is Nigeria’s official language (Adedimeji, 2007). English language performs numerous functions in Nigeria. It serves as lingua franca. It is the language of instruction, language of constitution, language of nationalism, media, Government, education among others. This is because Nigeria is a multilingual country and English language serves as a link among the people.

English language is introduced to a child from the fourth year of primary school up to the University level (Olajide, 2010). This is clearly stated in section 4 paragraph 19, subsection on primary education, 2004 of the Federal republic of Nigeria’s national policy on education. ‘That English language shall be used as a medium of instruction and the language of immediate environment from the fourth year and French shall be taught as a subject’. This means that English language shall be the language of instruction from the fourth year of the primary education.

In Nigeria, much importance is attached to English language. It occupies a vital role in the educational system, such importance could be seen in terms of the functions English language perform in Nigeria. It is an act of political expedience and in addition, it helps to remove the fear of ethnical domination. The practical oral aspect of English language becomes even more important for the purpose of interaction and articulation in our day to day use of the language.

Furthermore, the use of English language paved way for participation at national and international levels. To be able to participate in the social, political and economical life of the country, one must be able to understand and use English language effectively and efficiently. English language is used for vertical mobility (Adedimeji, 2007). It enables one to move from a lower social class to higher one. It is the language of prestige not because the users are more intelligent than the illiterates but because they can speak it. So it has become a language of personality (Adedimeji, 2007). The role of English language in Nigeria stresses the need for Nigerians to learn, understand and make use of English language proficiently. There is no doubt that interference is the major effect of mother tongue language on English language.

Interference has been observed as a cogent influence that mother tongue language has on English language. Sources of the interferences therefore could be phonology- (a science which deals with the study of sounds in language) that is how different sounds or phonemes are combined. Morphology (this deals with the combination of morphemes to form words, morpheme is the smallest indivisible unit of a language that has a significant meaning). Syntax (the arrangement of words in a language according to rules). The concern of this project is on the phonological aspect of English language (oral English).

Also, there could be poor teaching of pronunciation by the teachers. Some of the teachers use grammatical translation method especially in the elementary schools. They often explain meanings of English words using the mother tongue language. The pupils transfer the idea of having explanation of meanings being made in the mother tongue language over to the Universitys. It is therefore the intention of this study to identify problems that affect the oral English of students in the Universitys as regards the influence of mother tongue language on it. In addition, suggestions and recommendations would be made on how to reduce the influence of mother tongue language on oral English.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
There is no doubt that French students in Nigeria are being faced with the problem of mother tongue language interference in studying English language. The oral aspect of English language is the main focus of this research. The influence of the mother tongue language on the pronunciation of English words is one of the problems. The influence of the home background on the students’ pronunciation of English words is also a problem.

Hence, series of works have been done concerning the influence of mother tongue language interference on the oral English of French students in English language but it was observed that little or no emphasis has been made on the influence of mother tongue language on the oral English of French students.

Consequently, there has been a need to conduct a research work on the influence of mother tongue language on the oral English of French students.

1.3 Objectives of the study
1. To find out the level at which mother tongue can interfere in oral English among French students.

2. To investigate the speech qualification of English teachers using questionnaires, Using EnuguStateas casestudy

3. To know how teachers makes use of correct teaching methods during the teaching of Englishlanguagein The Department Of Foreign Languages And Literary Studies, University of Enugu, Enugu state.

4. To investigate whether background and environment also influence language, In order words to find out, how the language used in the child's immediate environment influences a child's use of language.

1.4 Research questions
This research is guided by the following questions;

1. Are students encounterin gdifficultie sin Oral English?

2. Aretherenoticeabledifferenceswhenthesestudentsspeakanotherlanguageoutsidetheirmothertongue?

3. AtwhatleveloflinguisticsisinterferencemostnoticeableamongtheFrench studentsin The Department Of Foreign Languages And Literary Studies, University of Enugu, Enugu State?

4. Arecode-mixingandcode-switchingpredominantfeaturesinlanguageinterference?

5. Willstudentsnoticethetransferoftheirindigenouslanguageintonationpatternswhilespeakingtheirsecondlanguage?

1.5 Significance of the Study
The findings of this study would be of immense benefit to student-teachers, students, teachers, stakeholders and Government. This would be facilitated by making the study available in places where the public could gain access to it, for example; the library, internet and print media houses.

The essence of this study is to show the result of the co-existence of the mother tongue language (French) and English language. The co-existence will allow students to be exposed to the interference of the two languages, where the interference occurs and how to minimize it. The study will help the teachers of English language to know the measures to be taken in order to help students minimize their mother tongue language interference on oral English.

Finally, the suggested solutions in this study would be of great benefits to educational curriculum planners. It would help the education curriculum planners to place premium on the essential aspect of the study of English language which would be of immense help in alleviating the influence of mother tongue language interference in oral English.

1.6 Scope of the Study
This study focuses on Nsukka Local Government area of Enugu state, Nigeria. The target scope of this study is the Universitys in Nsukka Local Government Area. The sample scope of this study is limited to four (4) Universitys in Nsukka Local Government namely; Government Day University, Tanke, Bishop Smith Memorial University, Union Baptist Grammar school, Gaa-Akanbi and Chapel UniversityTanke, Ilorin.

The sampling technique to be used is the simple random sampling technique. The sample scope is limited to the selected schools above. The sample scope will be limited to one hundred (100) students; twenty-five (25) from each school and it is restricted to only the senior University two (SS 2). The questionnaire will be used as the instrument scope of this study. Questionnaire on the influence of mother tongue language on oral English will be asked to elicit responses from the students. Simple percentage will be used as the statistical scope of this study.

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