The main purpose of this study was to investigate the choice of alcohol consumed among undergraduate students in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria. The following research objectives guided the study; To establish the influence of drinking parents on choice of alcohol consumed by undergraduate students, to examine the influence peer pressure on alcohol abuse amongst undergraduate students, to determine the influence of family economic status on alcohol amongst undergraduate students and to determine influence of Ibadan metropolis perception on use of alcohol on alcohol abuse among undergraduate students in Ibadan Metropolis. The study employed a descriptive research design. The study comprised of a target population of 39 undergraduates, 265lecturers and 39 principals. A total of 8 schools, 8 principals, 31 class lecturers and 368 students who took part in the study. Data was collected by the use of questionnaire and interview guides. The collected data was systematically organized in a manner that facilitated analysis. Raw data was combined into themes and then summarized into frequency tables and percentages. The coding of categorized data was done according to the various themes stipulated by the question items. Data was then put in tabular forms for analysis by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistics consisted of tabulation of frequencies and percentage distribution, measures of central tendency and standard deviations. The analyzed data was presented in tables of frequency and percentage distribution, bar graphs and pie charts. From the study, the following findings were made: is a significance relationship between peer influence (p<0.05) and students’ alcohol abuse(p<0.05), there is a significant relationship between availability of financial resources and students alcohol abuse (p<0.05), there is no relationship between cultural practices and usage of alcohol by students, lack of parental involvement in their children’s lives influence alcohol abuse to a great extent, peer pressure influence students’ alcohol abuse, there was a significant relationship between community perception on use of alcohol and students’ alcohol abuse as indicated by 59.2% of the respondents. The study recommended that there was need for teaching school children about the inherent dangers of taking alcohol, Guidance and counselling, Teaching about drug use and abuse as a subject, Conducting seminars and debates and establishing strict school rules and incorporation of parents in school counselling sessions especially those with special expertise in the area of alcohol use and abuse. It was suggested another research to be done to cover other effects of alcohol abuse among students in Ibadan Metropolis.

• Background to the study
The abuse of alcohol is a developing issue in Nigeria. With Almost 50% of the number of inhabitants in the Country being the young and in this manner there is concern in regards to the degree to which students engage in the use of alcohol and the age at which the practice commences (Central Statistics Office, 2001).There are a few reasons why students get involved in the abuse of alcohol. Liquor is an intense, state of mind modifying drug, and in the event that it is utilized by students brings forth intense wellbeing dangers for bodies and brains that are as yet developing. It can cloud judgment and meddle with educational achievement. For example, young people who misuse alcohol may remember 10 percent less of what they have acknowledged than the people who don't drink (Brown 2010). Alcohol may similarly provoke to extended sexual development, presentation to sexually transmitted contaminations, off the cuff pregnancy, self-ruinous and harsh lead, criminal activity, harm, and death (Johnston, 2010).

Jemigan (2011) reports that globally high school students are beginning to drink prior. The age at which a man first uses liquor is a capable indicator of lifetime the abuse of alcohol and reliance. More than 40 percent of people who start drinking before they are develops enough create liquor reliance sooner or later in their lives (Grant &Dawnson, 1997). There are a few variables that should be considered in connection to the abuse of alcohol among undergraduate students. One of these is parental impact, with a few guardians being unconscious of what kids are gaining from them. It has been found that guardians who manhandle liquor will probably have youngsters who will mishandle liquor (Melgosa, 2012). In this way learned conduct in the home/family environment is a noteworthy calculates the cycle of mishandling. Guardians are not by any means the only individuals who have an impact on undergraduate students' way of life.

It has been found that associate weight assumes an impressive part in forming the conduct of an individual (Cue, 2010). In this sense young people, specifically, have a tendency to do what their companions are doing keeping in mind the end goal to be acknowledged in that specific gathering. Along these lines a person who does not drink may wind up surrendering to the practice because of the impact of partners (Cue 2010). Besides, monetary status of guardians assumes a fundamental part in the alcohol use by undergraduate students. Those of higher financial status have been found to mishandle liquor since they have admittance to assets empowering them to secure it (Eide2008). In low salary regions with restricted recreational offices the adolescent, recognize soft drinks as a wellspring of amusement and liquor utilization as an adequate escape from reality (Garis, 1998).Alcohol adds to traumatic results that slaughter or handicap at a moderately youthful age, bringing about loss of numerous years of life because of death or inability. There is expanding proof that, other than the volume of liquor, the example of the drinking is significant for the wellbeing results (WHO, 2010).

Evidence on the Nigerian situation from a recent national report, showed that 85% of high school students surveyed admitted to having tried alcohol, with 40% reporting occasions of heavy drinking, while 48% indicated that they have been “drunk” in the past 60 days (NACADA, 2008). Of the alcohol related deaths, 5 are due to unintentional injury such as falls, hypothermia, and drowning, over 3 due to motor vehicle accidents (G.O.K, 2009). Alcohol use has also raised concerns to parents and lecturers who complain about alcohol use by the students that they are underperformers in exams (Obi. 2013). Distinctive variables, for example, parental impact, peerpressure, financial status and social point of view will be taken a gander at in connection to the issue. Because of the creation of sorghum on an expansive scale customary brew is produced using this harvest. One such drink is 'Busaa', a home- blended mixture arranged from industrially delivered sorghum powder.

This is for the most part utilized by the elderly. High school students fall back on liquor and the use of drugs for joy and energy as well as to conquer dissatisfaction (Hope, 1999). Under such conditions, undergraduate students will probably encounter worry, to take part in evasion adapting by utilizing liquor or different substances, and to connect with liquor - utilizing peers (Baer and Bray, 2009).One of the proposed national techniques in the drive for an educated and taught country by the year2030 (vision 2030) is the presentation of legitimate obligation by guardians for the activities of their youngsters. Various researchers such as Dube (2006), Kyalo (2010), Ngesu (2011) and NACADA (2008)among others; have done related studies mainly on the role of parents in drug and substance abuse, drug abuse in schools and effects of drug and substances abuse.

Statement of the problem
Education system and learners are affected and interrupted both in the short and long run if high school students keep dropping out of school because of alcohol. Fear of students abusing alcohol is a constant concern for millions of people all over the world. The abuse of alcohol among the young is a marvel in all nations, and an expansion in their vicious conduct has been of impressive worry over the previous years everywhere throughout the world (Beck &Hungler, 2004). A portion of the increments in youth wrongdoing have come about because of youth mishandling liquor (Levine, 2014).

As of late, there has been huge increment in youth mishandling liquor in created nations. Africa has been no exemption in the ascent of liquor manhandle among the young In Nigeria, it is surprisingly more dreadful in our instructive organizations where youth the abuse of alcohol have brought about obliteration of property worth a large number of shillings and loss of lives; for example, the recent Saki High school and St,Marys Undergraduates both in Oyo state were in the news over the burning of their dormitories that resulted in the loss of property(Daily Nation, July 25th 2016).

The key question is: why are high school students indulging in alcohol use? Studies have been done on other aspects of alcohol, such as the prevalence of alcohol use but a gap has been left concerning the underlying factors. It is against this knowledge gap that this study may undertake, seeking to establish the underlying factors leading to alcohol use by high school students in Ibadan Metropolis with a view to coming up with mitigating strategies and interventions to curb the vice.

Many cases of youth using and abusing alcohol have been accounted for and seen in the group. It is the aim of the agent to do a study to build up the apparent elements impacting the abuse of alcohol among undergraduate students of Ibadan Metropolis. This is because of the way that the adolescent are the future pioneers of any nation thus the abuse of alcohol among them may dive the nation into profound emergency at present and later on.

Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study was to investigate the choice of alcohol consumed among undergraduate students in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria.

Objectives the study
The objectives of this study were as follows:

• To establish the influence of drinking parents on choice of alcohol consumed by undergraduate students in Ibadan Metropolis.

• To examine the influence peer pressure on alcohol abuse among undergraduate students in Ibadan Metropolis.

• To determine the influence of family economic status on alcohol among undergraduate students in Ibadan Metropolis.

• To determine influence of Ibadan metropolis perception on use of alcohol on alcohol abuse among undergraduate students in Ibadan Metropolis.

Research questions
The following were the research questions;

• What is the connection between parental influence on choice of alcohol consumed by undergraduate students in Ibadan Metropolis?

• What is the influence of peer relationship with regard to alcohol abuse among undergraduate students in Ibadan Metropolis?

• What is the relationship between family economic status on choice of alcohol consumed and abuse by undergraduate students in Ibadan Metropolis?

• To what degree do Ibadan metropolis perception on alcohol use relevant to alcohol use and abuse by undergraduate students in Ibadan Metropolis?

Significance of the study
The study may provide useful information to the policy makers on possible ways of dealing with alcohol abuse in learning institutions. In addition, the study would also be of interest to school administrators and counselors in helping them design ways of reducing the problem of alcohol abuse in schools. Discoveries of the study may likewise assist instruction professionals with determining systems for helping undergraduate students who are utilizing liquor and as a part of building up counteractive action programs. The study may include to accessible research liquor manhandle among youthful people. This study may lay the basis for further experimental investigation of the need to direct nitty gritty studies that will get direct data from teenagers on their purposes behind utilizing liquor.

Limitation of the study
The major limitation was the secrecy involved in the issues of alcohol abuse by students. Due to the sensitive nature of alcohol use, some individuals did not feel free to give the true picture of the problem. The other challenge encountered while seeking to undertake this study was apathy from respondents with the thought that they could be victimized and the busy schedule of principals and class lecturers. This was redressed accordingly by assuring the respondents that their identities would be concealed and not revealed whatsoever (for apathy from respondents) and making early appointments with the respondents to avoid disappointments (for busy schedule of principals and class lecturers)

1.8. Delimitation of the study
The study was delimited to public undergraduates in Ibadan Metropolis. The respondents were principals, lecturers and students of public schools in Ibadan Metropolis. The second delimitation was based on the variables of the study. Although there are many factors related to alcohol the researcher focused on parental influence, peer pressure, family economic status and Ibadan metropolis perception on alcohol use as the main variables of the study.

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